how come i bought the key and now for long long time i send massage and got replay and then i send massage to fix this shit bot i still not working any one can do something??
i dont need it anymore and take the money as a gift from me and if u want more money PM me ill send but dont put bot please and u can fix it just say i want money we can help you without your big fucking fix story
the error its pretty self explanatory 2017-08-07 14:41:55,140 [1] ERROR Logger (null) - Could not attach to a Hearthstone process. Please make sure an available Hearthstone process is running. you must run game before running bot
remove: - microsoft visual c++ 2005-2015 x86 redistributable restart your pc, install restart also check if you have any of the programs listed here installed
you are repeating the same steps over and over i'v done all those steps and i read all what u link me