I Drive it fights profile / Lazy Raider. Is there a way to set the bot so I can run it around and quest? Basically I drive and it fights? Also I don't want it to fight unless I attack or I am attacked. Any setting for this, My wow bot had this.
Ok so I played around with this and got it to work some what. Need help to make it move. It fights with all the normal routines and targets what is in range. But Hey it works mostly... Need to fix these problems... Problem 1... It attacks anything in range wont let you run by. Need it to.. Not attack unless attacked or I engage attack. Problem 2... It wont move to a target... Melee gets killed by ranged... Need it to.. Move to target and kill... Once no aggression go dormant... But Here it is... Try it tell me what you think. ****Deleted Attachment***
Ok modified it a little bit and got it working it better. Lowered attack range so that it will not attack at max range. The bot doesn't move to target like it should, But hey at least its functional. If a programmer would like to step in and help with attack movement strings. Many people would be very grateful. View attachment I Drive It Fights!.xml
I think there is a short key but I not sure.... I am sure honorbuddy had one.... If you figure it out then post it please.