hello i need help i forgot my password and my user name when i log in to the bot how i can get it please help me
If you can't remember the username at all, you'll need to email Bossland at zwetan@honorbuddy.com Include as many details as you can, if you can find the invoice/payment receipts from however you paid, or the emails you got when you bought Honorbuddy. If you can remember, to get the password you can go to shop.buddymaster.com and click on reset password. -Panda.
thank you now im trying to log in but it does not log in and im sure about my user and pass what should i do
Try the reset password. It will send an email to the email you registered on that site with when you first purchased the bot. You did buy the bot before or around your forum join date of "25.04.2011" right?
i did that and i changed my pass but when i try to login in to the bot it said something like the password is wrong please help me thank u
then you should be able to log on bot as well,its the same login info post your Hb log here in order to check the error you get
If you only had Gatherbuddy before you will need to purchase Honorbuddy now. With the new system you can use both Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy executables, using the same login. With the one session purchase you can run one or the other. With the 3 sessions purchase you can run any combination of them, up to a limit of three logins at the same time.