I have bought the honorbuddy thing for $30 and i was just charged.... it says i have one "session".... i then started the program... thinking it would be like pirox, it said i needed a profile, so i exited out real quick... i loaded up again, says my session is done.... and its maxed... and i cant use it.... did i seriously drop $30 for nothing?
Go to buddyauth.com and register with the same email you used to purchase HB. Then login there and kill the session, or wait a few minutes for the session to die on it's own.
No you didn't. You need to wait a little bit for the old session to expire. You need a profile for the bot to follow and have to have the correct bot mode to correlate to that profile I.E: Questing or grinding.
The bot for questing is included. There should be a dropdown on the right side that says archeaology click that and choose questing. As for a profile consult these forums: Horde:80-85 Alliance:80-85
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/blogs/kickazz006/961-useful-blog-new-users.html Read it and love it, lots of good links there. It should explain most of what is needed to do to quest 80-85.