Ok, so i fixed the Font Verdana problem. Just troll the internet and find it to download and right click and Install it. Every time i try to log in (My char is logged in: lvl 7 rogue gnome) It says in the desc box thing: Honorbuddy settings list Follow Distance:1 Foodname: Drinkname: LootMobs: True LootChests: False HarvestHerbs: False HarvestMinerals: False SkinMobs: False LogicType: -1 MountName: UseMount: False Pull Distance: 24. Loot Radius: 45 Last Used Path: . Attempting Authorization Authorization Failed! This should work, though, because i logged in with Devildylan and my password: Because i havn't bought it do i need to use test and pw test? Also, i fixed the UAC thing, thanks to the person who told me (Sorry i post here, i've lost my old post???)
your old post is here http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?7657-Please-somebody-help-me.-Massive-error./page2 and as i said before use Hb2