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  • Idea / Suggestion on accounts / My experiences in Legion(botting)

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by k4njin, Nov 11, 2016.

    1. k4njin

      k4njin Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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      Like most of us, i got banned too. No complains, i knew what i was going for, and i really enjoyed what i realised with honorbuddy. But i'm thinking of getting again another account, since the one that was banned was my main; first, because i played horde, and had some irl friends here too (they were banned too XD), but my old guild is in the alliance side.
      Since i honestly saw that i could survive without botting that much (i honestly botted for dalaran spider - meh, u know, i just got in love with that mount ) and i don't use bot to sell golds, etc, just used it for myself, i was thinking about to run a new "main" account that would not ever be attached to any bot/s, and a suicide account (on a different b.net) to make only golds for my "main".
      Talking with some other users banned like me, i found that trading money with auctions was the smarter mode to approach something like that. For example, i put with "main" green sword of something for like 100g bid and 20k buyout. Then i'll buy it with the suicide account. Of course the two accounts are in some way "connected", but i heard that some people that did not attach HB or other bots to their main accounts were not banned.
      Of course there is no "it's safe, u won't get banned with this" but i was thinking that is "maybe" the safest way (even it's not 100% safe) to have some golds on my main. Then i could play around with ah and professions without problems, having some golds to invest to.
      I was thinking about trading with in game mails between 2 accounts is too much dangerous and too easy to see.
      Anyone has tried / is currently / is thinking to do something like i'm thinking now?

      Keep the thread civil please. I'd like to share some ideas, and to learn to the community newer ones. :)
      Sorry if my english is not perfect but it's not my first language. :p
    2. Antibus

      Antibus Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just use a Guild Bank, as long you have a guild master account that is not botting your gold is fine. My gold survives like this over the last 6 ban waves with the botting accounts banned. ;)
    3. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      I've been using gbank since 2013 I believe, never gotten a ban on the guild bank acc.

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