Hey everyone im back, started up a new account before and straight onto honor buddy (Bots running in the background) So after being out of wow and these forums for sometime i have seen a lot of change. Personally i believe the programming has become much more advanced, muchly appreciated to all those involved Ok so the main question is, is botting as simple as finding a profile and clicking start bot and walking away? If disconected is there some sort of way to have the bot relog? also on this subject can you start and stop the bot after X amount of hours? ( To avoid the obviousness of playing like a bot?) Whats the quickest way to leveing in wow these days? (Botting style) Whats the quickest you have leveled from 1-60 personally? So guys i would love your input in this thread and please dont judge and abuse for this post, its simply asking the community for there advice/ input Cheers Mansellboi