I found this out entirely on accident. I have a battle.net account with 3 wow licenses on it that were all merged to shared the achievements, mounts, titles etc.. When I got banned I had NO IDEA that they had only banned 1 of those 3 accounts. I can still log in with the other 2 accounts and still have all the glorious titles and mounts and pets and toys! I apologize if this was common sense to most people, but it wasn't to me and I am ecstatic!
Nice, i have actually been kinda wondering about what would happen in a situation like that XD One question though, was it a perma ban? and if so, was it before, or after the merge? Im asking, since my first account got permabanned, and im now on my secound account (dident know about that shared mounts and such at the time, so that was a nice surprice ^^), but any idea if i will get insta permabanned, since i already have 1 account that is perma banned, or is it like an entirely new account, you have to get banned once, before a perma? ^^
If you break their ToS they only ban accounts i did break their rules with, so if u have 5 accounts on battlenet A and 3 of them bot/trade gold or whatever, and the other 2 did not break their rules u will not get banned on them, achievments mounts etc. as said above are battlenet account wide, which is nice because once u got banned on your "mainaccount" you can just add a new wow license to the battlenet adress and start all over again.
And just one more piece of info... Bliz imposes a hard limit of 10 licenses per account for a single game. So, keep that in mind if you are near the threshold, you may need to make other plans. cheers, chinajade [EDITED 16-Nov-2015 by chinajade]: Apparently, my numbers are wrong. What's new? In a post below, Tothamar points out (and Aion confirms) the limit is 8, not 10. Here is my corrected understanding: 8x Wow licenses hard-cap per battle.net account (Excluding PTR/Legion Beta ones of course) Just a single license from any Diablo3/Starcraft2/Heartstone etc.
Blizz allows you to remove a licence from your account(permanently do) so any perma banned ones you can just ask them to remove them.
My ban was permanent and happened after my accounts were merged if that clears up your question. I was able to keep all the heirlooms too, even the ones purchased on the banned account. I wonder if I can add an account on my old vanilla accout that got banned and be able to transmog tier 1 pvp armor since 2 of the toons had original pvp titles. Anyone know?
I got lucky once and had someone remove a couple from mine. The 20+ people I have spoken to since then will not budge. Almost convinced a gm to just "transfer" them to a new battle.net but they were hesitant and ended up snagging a supervisor which did not allow such an action. Basically it can be done, just they wish to "punish" those who have broken the rules. With some social engineering and some luck you may be able to.
I can only say, that 1 diablo account of mine was banned and got removed. That was befor RoS, quite a while ago though. I don't know if they still do it or if they do it with WoW accounts.
They absolutely will. I did this recently on my bnet to clean things up. On top of that I actually screwed myself a little. One of the licenses I asked removed was the license that redeemed some store mounts back before they were account wide. When that account disappeared the mount did as well. Not sure I can ask it back since they were explicit that any losses as a result of the request can't be corrected. You need to do the research and submit the required documentation to the correct address (I used email) and they will be removed. In my case they even contacted me to confirm they were removing the absolutely correct account names because it was irreversible. as a caveat I just wanted to add this is handy for those OCD types who accidentally added a starter account and can't seem to get rid of it. i actually found the link I used to do this, but for some reason i can't view it anymore. http://blizz.ly/1l1svfo
I heard there was a limit on how many tokens you can buy per battle.net account. So with tokens you can only keep 1 account alive per battle.net, so you have to pay for the other 7. Is this true?