Hi guys...i bought many of ur bots,but before eventually buying this one i'd like to have answers.. Does this bot chose the best cards to compose a deck? Does it works against real players? Does it unlocked uncommon+++ cards? What else does it do? Be as precise as you can.. Because i didn't understand well what are the strong points of this bot.. Thanks in advance.. Cheers!
It doesn't compose deck. It works against other "real" players, at low rank. It plays your deck, so it farm gold. gold = cards. It does farm golden heroes It's a bot.. like any other game bot, it plays for you
Ok Thanks! And the best mode to unlock cards and earn gold? or best mode to let bot plays to earn gold and unlocking cards?! Ranked or practice?
Casual is probably the easiest way to get fast wins. Wins = Gold = Cards pretty much. If you're not interested in golden portraits then you should have it farm casual.