Hi, I am in a group for stonecore and when using IB on 4/5 toons they all goup up, select their roles and teleport in then they all run to the teleporter and show this message in the log. [Ensemble v1.0.1.210]:Your current spec is Protection Pull Max Distance set to 5 Pull Min Distance set to 3 [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.196]:Loading dungeon script for 'The Stonecore' [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.196]:Tank is set to: Paladin with MaxHP: 153297 [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.196]:Talking with Stonecore Teleporter This was with the tank as one of the HB clients, is IB able to sort tanking or is that manual and others can be run with IB? any pointers for me