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  • Interested in FF14 again, but have bot questions

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by madeinchina85, May 10, 2015.

    1. madeinchina85

      madeinchina85 New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Hi all,

      I bought FF14 back in 2010 and looks like my account can still be reactivated. At this point I'm pretty bored of wow (as are 7mil other people seems like). But I've been 100% spoiled by the rich botting options available for wow via honorbuddy. In wow I mostly botted via combat routines for pvp and raiding, not so much the full afk stuff, and I was wondering if I can achieve a similar experience in FF14? If anyone could answer a few of my questions that would be fantastic! Thanks in advance for your time.

      1 - Does FF14 combat routines allow for effective nonafk end game play? is it competitive?
      2 - Are there any classes that are poorly played by rebornbuddy?
      3 - Are there any classes that are played exceptionally well by rebornbuddy?
      4 - Any tips for starting ff14 from scratch armed only with rebornbuddy?

      Thanks again everyone! I'll look forward to any tips you have to share.
    2. kagepande

      kagepande Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      1. The CR's will get you through end-game raiding yes, if you don't know your class you'll pull decent DPS with them.
      2. Summoner, but its just a shitty broken class anyways.
      3. Bards seem to be the easiest, and kupper does it well, BLM was good as well but the best CR was taken down.
      4. Can't help much here, I started botting after I have everything maxed at level 50, and everything ive done since has been done on a new character soley for the purpose of making scripts for other people and the community.

      Just know, anyone who knows how to play there class well, will completely destroy any CR for any class, for example I main BLM, but I can completely destroy every CR for my class, but this doesn't make them bad, they will get you far, but if your in a hardcore raid group, with 3/4 other DPS who play very well by hand, you might fall in last place.
    3. khld

      khld New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      1-2, what kagepande said. If you use a CR you will probably be better then majority of the pugs out there... Majority of the pugs I come across, I wish I could sell them RB.
      3, sorry but I disagree with kagepande for this one, I think Dragoons are easier. I main Bard still though. I'll probably switch to Dragoon for expansion because the teaser/trailer video convinced me.
      4, see the noobie guide post stickied in this forum. You can just use a CR all the way to 50 fine, I recommend you do instead of AFK'ing so you can experience the game since it's amazing.
      Last edited: May 11, 2015

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