The Remote Auction House is now available on iPhone and from any computer with a web browser. I have to admit that I'm a little scared of how the system could be abused but I'll assume that Blizzard is full of smart people who added protections against that. When the beta test is over, it will cost $2,99/month to buy and sell from the Auction House remotely.
lol i would have found this immensely useful before i started botting, i never posted too much stuff on the AH..... now i have a hand in nearly every market (glyphs, JC, alchemy, raw materials) and with a maximum limit of 200 actions per day, this wont be very helpful for me. about the best it will do is let me check on my phone while out of the house if i have been undercut. kinda nifty but not game changing.
no, they dont and they wont. the Remote AH has a limit of 25 actions per day during the beta, and a proposed 200 action limit for the final release. listing, bidding, buying, cancelling auctions all count as an action against the daily limit.
Is there a limit to the number of transactions (purchases and sales) I can make? Yes. In order to help prevent abuse of this service, there will be a system in place to limit the total number of Auction House transactions (including bids, buyouts, and creating auctions) that a single World of Warcraft account can perform through World of Warcraft Remote each day. For the purposes of the beta test, the limit is set to 25 transactions per day per World of Warcraft account. When the Remote Auction House beta test ends and the live World of Warcraft Remote service launches, we plan to increase the limit to 200 transactions per day (with a World of Warcraft Remote subscription), though this limit is subject to change. Our goal with this system is to ensure that most players who are using the service will not reach the limit, and we will be continuously monitoring how the service is used and making adjustments to the system as needed.
Looked all good until Ohhhhh.. was looking so good until then. Damn shame, looks like there will be an auction limit.
QQ moar This has already been answered many many times. Blizzard will never sell game play affecting items for real world money. Archive this post and you can make me eat crow when that changes.
I was botting on an account with one toon, while playing the auctionhouse with another toon on the same account but different realm... Quite nice.