Just purchased the trial, I'm getting invalid key when attempting to login w/ the trial key. http://i.imgur.com/Sw0oyyp.png It's the exacty copy/paste key from Buddyauth
did that. deleted settings and tried with a fresh install as well. still the same issue. even copied the key exactly from buddy auth, just like before.
me too, and i already send the mail, would u check now? i just bought before 20 min , and i couldn't use that key plz hurry and im waiting
I just tried again, been trying every hour, and I followed instructions of e-mail which asked about firewall. With and without it, not working; but it was just fine with my last key that's expired now. I think it's an issue with buddy auth, because ppl are having issues with newly purchased HonorBuddy keys (u can see in HB support similar posts)