So I bought a battlechest account to run an AH bot for a couple of hours a day. After a couple days the account got closed due to "Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy", which I guess is sort of expected. However a couple days after I then made a starter account and did RAF whilst having the IP address as the one that previously got banned. So this time I just RAF levelled two characters to about level 15 then logged off. I literally did nothing else apart from that. The next day I check my email and I received this: In no way was the account associated with anything to do with the exchange of in-game property because it was a starter account so it had a lot restrictions on what I could do and even then all I had done was some levelling. The only thing that stayed the same was the IP address so that leads me to believe that it was the cause. Any ideas?
yea I get the same thing to. the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. Explotativy abuse.
dude .. i get this crap all the time.. Just means that your IP was identified whilst trading in game items or what not.. Typically, when i RAF 2 accounts, i trade gold from my Main to thoes new ones and all 3 have been locked out with that exact email.. all u need to say is you x-fered gold to one of your toons ur leveling up on a different account. BTW.. if you EVER trade Gold with anybody or any of your toons... always .. put some ROG crap item in the trade window to prevent this sort of ban, cause if items are traded then it doesnt look like your Buying or selling your gold =p Its just a automated server issue.. just do what i said =) if you did x-fer anything between the 2 chars then your golden =D but yea