Since herbs/ores don't give me much gold on my current server I wanted to start dungeon botting(Gundrak mostly), some say it's very dangerous, some say it's not. I'd bot for like 1-2 hours a day, not more. Is it still a guaranteed ban and should I look for something else to farm?(probably world trash then) (it's about my main by the way, I'm not a goldseller, just need the gold for some sockets etc.)
And your name is Spider. I can point out the obvious, too. If you didn't notice, I was asking about how high the risk is, not if any is there at all.
Nothing is a guaranteed ban. That being said, travel to Gundrak's entrance and watch. Then decide if you want to risk it.
If you bot gundrak on your main, the risk for ban is exactly 76.42594%! But if you bot on your botting suicide toon, the risk is raising to 81.83610% The percentages are calculated with 1-2hours botting daily! P.S. If you ask stupid questions, don't expect smart answers, FireFreak! The same apply with your hostile attitude to the fellow forum members, who actually are trying to help you out! Now seriously: There is only one way to bot dungeons for cash - suicide mode! So do it on account with no value to you. If you are desperate for gold, go get a cheap battle chest and run it 24/7 till banned. You will usually get much more gold from it, than botting Gundrak with your main for 3-4 month! Beside that, its completely pointless to rush high-banrate botting for couple of coins. If you do bot smart or use your characters professions/garrison resources, you will get much more gold daily, with only 10-15min spent daily. f you ask how, I will leave it on your search-thebuddyforum power! Good luck!
You will see ban in 1-2 weeks. With instance farming it is "100% ban, but question is when". You can have 1-2k golds from 2h/day so it isnt good way what to bot.
Isn't there a thread on this forum answering this? I feel like every other week it's the same questions being asked over and over again by people who just started botting. Use the search function.
Yeah, there is one, somewhere between the 500 other search results "dungeon farming" and "dungeonbuddy ban" give me. Thank you for your answers tho, way more helpful than "bot = ban".
i have one of my farmers running gundrak at least 12 hours a day sometimes i run 24/7. risky? of course, but im not bothered, ive been doing this for months with no warnings no bans etc. Of course it going to happen one day the way i bot but im not too bothered, i make enough money from my gold to get up and running again in no time. Moral of the story? if you like your account dont do it. if your not bothered then go nuts
When u dont want a replay stop posting shit! Spider is right if you love your main dont bot you can get banned for everything the chance to get banned of dungeon botting depends on how long do you bot and if your teammates report you when they think you are a bot. No one can answer the Question "Can i get banned fromt this?" You can even get banned from Question although the chance to get banned from this is rather low.
Again, the question wasn't if I can get banned, the question was is dungeonbotting a high-risk technique, like, more risky than gathering etc. Just read my posts properly.
How can we know this ? Some ppl run dungeonbot for months and don't get banned, some run gathering bot for a week and lose the account. The members are telling you that if you bot you'll be banned cause this is the only certain we have. Of course IF you run dungeon bot, and NOBODY thinks you're bot, and IF they don't report you will be less risky than gathering when MAYBE someone can suspect, MAYBE report, MAYBE Blizzard take some action, MAYBE you get banned.
Some other members have experiences they can talk about like some already did, and I am grateful for that. Those without anything productive to contribute can lurk around in other threads. I know I can get banned, but I want to bot with a low risk which is why I'm asking here. Again, thanks community for every helpful reply you've posted in here, I've given you all +reps
Different realms, different populations on maps, your experience is from X realm, Y population, Z player mentality. This is not a reliable information.