Ever since I got to 80 and started using kicks levelling profiles, the bot just seems to stand there and take all the hits and doesn't cast. I restarted WoW along with HB and it still seems to just stand there dying, I even added a CC (Amplify Mage) and still nothing, any clues to what could be causing this and am I the only one? Playing Frost Mage Plugins: Anti-Drown - Nesox Edition Anti-Ganker Auto-Equip 2 Bug Submitter Profile Helper Quest Helper - Item For Aura Refreshment Detection Talented Profile: Kick's 80-85 levelling profile. Log: -> View attachment 17-02-2012_09_03 5472 Log.zip
It's not able to able to find my Zip file when i try to search for it? Edit: Rookie mistake i'm making it a rar file lol.. Updated main post.
dude. [20:44:29:498] Chose Amplify Elite 1.8.6 as your combat class! [20:44:29:514] [Amplify]: Loading Saved Setttings [20:44:29:557] You have not configured Amplify, Configuration is needed for this CC to work, Please Configure your Settings now do it, and restart your bot. and i mean really EXIT and restart Honorbuddy.
It's doing it with singular CC as well :/ And I have restarted HB still just sits there :s Can also prove it with a screenshot if you like..