I'm levelling a healer and I tried running my conjurer on the grind 1-50 profile but unortunatly it fights for a little while then either runs out of sp and gets its ass kicked or stops fighting and just heals over and over until it runs out of sp then dies. im currently using magitek, is there a proven way of grinding on a conjurer?
It's been a while since i used a heal class for grinding, but can't you set the rest hp/energy setting to what you like? ie rest energy (pretty sure it means mp) at 60, and it should rest when it's equal to or below 60%. (as long as it's not currently in combat with something)
i tried that, but it just keeps attacking stuff. would it be better to use the normal routine or magitek?
Well it's definitely worth trying. Let me know how it goes. I am by no means an expert, but i will see if i can help.
It is possible. I used the 1-50 orderbot profile and fatebot with magitek to get to 50 on my conjurer.
If you are using magitek (the old one, there is a new one that has been picked up by others which I haven't tested yet), it seems to have this issue.
the current magitek is working. I'm leveling a bard right now using fatebot and magitek and having no issues
what settings are you using? mine is level 29 and keeps running into level 47s and attacking them. even with the high level fates disabled.