Hello, as title says, im just curious if there is ways or even if the bot does this automaticly now, that it auto updates when new versions is out always find it abit pain in the ass to uppdate, then install all plugins and such again been looking after an svn but havent had any luck
install tortoisesvn Honorbuddy and the bots integrated (gatherbuddy/questing/grinding/etc.) are updated when an update is rolled out you can NOT miss that. no worries here pb and db sometimes receive updates in between that require a hb restart (i do not know if tortoise needs to be installed though... at least no special configuration is required) all other bots (lazyraider and many more) feature an excellent svn just follow the instructions and create a folder with the name specified in the correspondent thread (e.g. lazyraider) and update svn no worries either, setup is quick cheers
ahh, yeah i got tortoise to update profiles and such, just couldnt find an snv to the bots hehe thank you very much for the fast answer
when theres an honorbuddy update it will ask you to update. however its recommended to do a clean install each time.