Hi, I'm a total newbie to profile writing. So far all I do is only edit an already working profile to suit me needs. But recently I found a good spot to grind and I wonder if I can do below steps logic: stance : attack back only when attacked go to coordinate A cast an AoE spell loot go to coordinate B cast an AoE spell loot repeat all above Please let me know what how to write this kind of profile, do I have to tinker with CC?
Yeah that should be achievable. You'd have to set CC aoe rotation to a smaller number to force cast of a particular spell as that isn't handled by the cc not the xml (though I suppose you could force it via cast specific). XML: Move to x,y,z CC: Rotation is CC BOT: looting is handled by the bot XML: move to new x,y,z wash repeat.
Well if your AOE spell oneshots the mobs then perhaps it's more convenient to just use a macro: <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/cast Arcane Explosion" />
Additionally, while not a profile - you may look into a plugin written by Phelon which allows for more pulling of mobs when wanting to "AOE" things down rather than a single pull rotation. The Ultimate Combat Helper - Click Me