Hey there, I'm having a problelm with this profile, and I think it might be more to do with the plugin Classy, but I'm wanting to double check and see if there's anything in the profile that's causing this to happen. What's happening is when I load this profile and start it, it goes through the first day and works marvelous. But when a new day rolls around and and the profile starts back at the beginning, it spams the change from Miner to Botany and back and forth between the two about 10 times. Always landing on mniner, which throws the whole profile off and messes everything up. So, I'm wondering, am i creating the profile wrong? Or is it probably something in the plugin? Code: <!-- Botany: Levels 50 Author: Zamphire Version: 1.0 Fragrant Log/Umbral Rock Farm --> <Profile> <Name>Fragrant Log/Umbral Rock Farm</Name> <Order> <While Condition ="True"> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(153)"> <TeleportTo Name="Camp Tranquil" AetheryteId="6" /> </If> <WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(0,2)" /> <!-- Botany: South Shroud - Fragrant Log --> <If Condition="IsTimeBetween(2,4)"> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(153)"> <TeleportTo Name="Camp Tranquil" AetheryteId="6" /> </If> <If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Botanist"> <ChangeJob Type="Botanist" /> </If> <Gather Loops="1"> <GatherObject>Unspoiled Mature Tree</GatherObject> <HotSpots> <Hotspot Z="66.61931" Y="10.15532" X="-195.0522" Radius="500"/> </HotSpots> <!-- Redo this hotspot --> <Slot>5</Slot> <!-- Fragrant Log --> <GatheringSkillOrder> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Leaf Turn II" TimesToCast="1" /> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Field Mastery II" TimesToCast="1" /> </GatheringSkillOrder> </Gather> <WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(0,6)" /> </If> <WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(2,6)" /> <!-- Mining: South Shroud - Umbral Rock --> <If Condition="IsTimeBetween(6,8)"> <If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Miner"> <ChangeJob Type="Miner" /> </If> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(153)"> <TeleportTo Name="Camp Tranquil" AetheryteId="6" /> </If> <Gather Loops="1"> <GatherObject>Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject> <HotSpots> <Hotspot Z="521.4088" Y="2.006799" X="-238.5004" Radius="500"/> </HotSpots> <Slot>6</Slot> <!-- Umbral Rock --> <GatheringSkillOrder> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Unearth II" TimesToCast="1" /> <GatheringSkill SpellName="Sharp Vision II" TimesToCast="1" /> </GatheringSkillOrder> </Gather> </If> <WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(0,23)" /> </While> </Order> </Profile>
That is correct. Also, the log you shared doesn't match up to the profile you shared... there's a couple MoveTo tags in your logs, and the WaitWhile appears to be Condition: IsTimeBetween(6,23). So it's hard to say what's up without the right profile/right log.