Hello everybody! I know using gatherbuddy, BGBuddy, DungeonBuddy and other bots like that can get me banned, but if I'm using just a combat bot like Lazyraider with Singular am I safe then? I'd like to do that on my main account but I don't want to get it banned, just because endless rotations on heroic bosses etc. makes me bored. I got banned once using GB and PB but luckily got my account unbanned by just saying I wasn't selling gold. So am I safe with Lazyraider when I'm of course always supervising it.
Unless you do something moronic you are pretty safe useing it. Been doing it quite some time in lfr, and since you yourself are in controll of the toon i see nothing wrong with using it. So just dont go lol lol in botting in raid chat and youll be fine. Hell it can even make raiding more enjoyable in my book! Ive played this game for 8 years, and my fingers are starting to ache from raiding and smashing buttons, so for me botting is what keeps me playing and paying the sub.
I agree, im LFR im top 3 for dps. Just gotta find a good profile. CLU seems to be the best for most classes.