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  • Is your tripwire still working?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by troniac, Aug 26, 2016.

    1. troniac

      troniac New Member

      Apr 20, 2010
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      Hey I am just interested of official information of Warden Status.

      Most of the Bans that people reported seems that warden was not involved.

      Cause Honorbuddy should circumvent Warden all the time, they have got tripwire and a lot of knowledge about warden.

      The Problem of Warden is that it randomized Scan, anyone gets other Warden Modules loaded and Tripwire should prevent the Warden Modules that are not known already by shutting down WOW and HB immediately.

      I am interested if the Tripwire thing is still working!!!
    2. troniac

      troniac New Member

      Apr 20, 2010
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      Actual Actions causes "No" :-(

      So actually blizzard done what I thaught in August 2016.
      I am really sorry for all Banned Users! :-(

      But Bossland will make Honor Buddy great again!

      I believe in you Bossland!!!

      Please do not complain about Bans, where you know the risk! Bossland will take action against latest Banwave and make HB save again!

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