So, I am a bit new to HB, but I've had it for a few weeks, made lots of gold, and recently started leveling a mage. He is a human mage, and I am leveling using: [A - Quest] Human 1-58 [Kick] I am using the following plug-ins: Anti-Drown Mr.itemremover Talented (Arcane Mage) Questhealper- Item For Aura I am NOT using any special CC's, as I can't seem to find a mage one... and I don't really understand them too much yet. So my problem is, Whenever I go into combat, my mage will use the ability (Frost Nova), walk a few feet away, then start attacking with his (shoot) ability with the wand. This issue started at about level 15, and all the levels before hand everything was working perfect. I am sure this is a CC issue, would anyone mind helping me out? Thanks in advance, and I apologize for being so noobish >_<