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  • It seems that it has too much errors.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by loveciel, May 24, 2011.

    1. loveciel

      loveciel New Member

      May 18, 2011
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      Although It has some benefit , I spend about 3days avoiding bugs.

      1. When I use AB. sometimes It try to go to place blocked by wall or terrain.
      And It turns back to the starting point and do it again.

      2. Because I'm horde , so I have lots of big characters (like troll or tauren). Those character sometimes cannot pass objects like hole that the other character can pass.
      In that case. Honorbuddy seems to give up (logout caused by away), or died.

      3. When I use questing feature in deepholm with my troll shaman, It occurs error , but in this case. It seems that I found the answer. Because I'm now gets gold blabla quest (maybe I should change 3 profiles)

      4. When I use questing feature with my druid. It never turns back from swift form. I worry about It causes when I use gatherbuddy2.

      5. So , Only bloody elf(maybe goblin works too ) , not druid and not shaman character can be work correctly for me. I cannot test deepholm with other class because I have only one 82 shaman.

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