Hello to everyone, I'm a little drunk. But it's been a while since i've last made a post. I thought that this time is now, and i'm quite excited. I made a comment on a post 2 years ago. ( well, 1 month to it's bday basically ). But i made a post about Honorbuddy, and how it made me world of warcraft free. Nowdays, I hardly play any WoW, it's quite boned from my point of view nowdays. I bot Hearthstone, intending to buy Lifetime on it, D3'n stuff. I wanted to make this post, to generally show people how i feel about this community and how it's actually improved my life and well being to this day, because i bot. I'm an very emotional person, and a male. ( Yes even without the alcohol having anything to do with it ). I wanted to tell Bossland, Tony, Apoc, CodenameG, very much thank you, you have helped me so much, i can never thank you enough, never. My eyes brim to tears when i say that, really Thank You. I wanted to say to the profile makers, that. Please, atleast release your 2nd best work, most people dont release their best profiles on these forums, and i completely understand that. I want to tell you Profile makers also, that I really appreciate your work. It helps me to help myself. You've all made the work for me, and i used to make me spend more time on computer and less time on more important things in my life, I already made my mistake, i lost the love of my life, after many years im still saddened by this, but thats over/notparticallyover now. I want to tell about my life. I have met someone, she has 2 kids who i am not a biological father to, she is very awesome, she lets me play, i find this to bring my life a lot of happiness, because i am allowed to do what i love to do. I have a 4 year old girl with this "love of my life", and now a newborn with my new woman. So, I now have 1 girl and 1 boy. They all seem to love me, I like it. I feel needed. The woman i am with, was my first love years ago. A lot of stuff has happened in my life, a lot of bad, not much happiness. Now, i wanted to share a little piece of MY story, now that i feel like i've been completed. Thank you Special Thanks To : Bossland, Apoc, Tony, CodenameG And Thank You Profile makers for sharing your work, it's very important.