I have heard tales of people who bot for a week and get banned even though they were an on and off botter. I hear tales that some people who bot 24/7 and never get banned. I've got both cases going and wanted to hear what you thought so heres my story. I have had 3 bots total 2 of them were on and off botters with distinct names, like easy to remember or type, and they botted for like 5 hours a day. They've both been banned. For my 3rd bot I had the idea of naming it somthing totally weird, it has several similar letters like i's and L's in its name. This bot has been botting 24/7 now for about 3 weeks non-stop and no ban yet. What do you think about that?
think you have been lucky, nothing else. + the fact that i need to c u to report you. if i dont c u , i need to make a ticket by hand, and some dont know how to find all weird letters and cba.
That is very weird...but its all down the luck really I assume, Well that is what people have said. Where your bots, Farmers or Levellers, is your server a full or low, different IP? ect it all comes down the alot of things really