I've been running into an issue with Sodimm's profile for the Ixali dailes which only seems to have started recently. It pertains to the part where it wants to gather the Ruby Spruce Branches, Ruby Spruce Logs, High-Quality Furite and Furite. Using the console to read the data from the GatheringWindowItems, it seems that the names for the items are missing. Code: foreach(var item in GatheringManager.GatheringWindowItems) { Log(item); } Using this on the window with the Ruby Spruce Branch and Ruby Spruce Log present will return the following: Code: ItemName: Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:1 RawItemId:2001424 ItemName: Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:1 RawItemId:2001425 ItemName:Ice Shard Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:1 RawItemId:3 Using this on the window with the Furite and High-quality Furite present will reutrn the following: Code: ItemName: Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:1 RawItemId:2001426 ItemName:Ice Shard Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:1 RawItemId:3 ItemName: Chance:100 HqChance:-1 Amount:1 RawItemId:2001427 The ItemName property for the items required for the quest are blank, thus that explains why it won't gather those items. Is there anything I can do to fix this locally or does this need to be fixed in the application? Note: I haven't tested this on the other nodes for the rank 5 dailies, but it could be that those are also affected.
Took awhile for me to actually get the mining/botanist quests. But can confirm both are working as intended again. Thanks a lot!