My first live stream.... I will interact now and then as I see its needed (since questing isn't 100%) but will let it run as much as possible on its own... I also have eTrain enabled so there might be long times of running to trainers... ** Ok its back up, sticking with Livestream for now.. and there is no sound (I hope) LOL Notes regarding this Stream: Running HB2 Questing Beta 1 Default Shaman CC (which is ShamWow 4.00B) Also, this i default settings, an existing profile i had so there might be situations where the toon runs into mobs and dies alot. There is no targeting logic to prevent it in this build of the beta.. but it works
Ok its back online... remember, its pretty much 'default' and with the glitches with current HB2 Questing Beta 1, there WILL be times the toon runs into a mass of mobs and not survive.. but it iwll keep going
It loads for about 15 seconds, plays 3 seconds of footage.. and goes offline. Is that on your part? or my part?
there was a hiccup in the upload earlier but its still running.. so who knows.. too many variables between start and end point.... But it's still running, had to drop a quest though.. just too many mobs in the area of the quest.. died too many times
with the fact i have to watch it off and on.. 15 levels in roughly 14hrs.. not the best.. but its working for the most part
world premiere? umm there were 4+ streams yesterday from the usual testers when QB1 released. This is nothing new sorry.
It appears to be that your CC wants to just run right in on pull. Well mobs can be very clumped up. It should really be ranged pulling from max range and only running in if it sees the mob casting or if it doesn't approach. That'll probably save you a lot of deaths.
You will grow tired of the livestream action soon enough, and ur show will be canceled like many others.