I was just wondering if the bot was updated for cata, i'm not looking to farm so much, I'm looking more to level. I plan on buying the bot if i can level 1-85 or even 1-80 without being at full risk of a ban, i know i can be banned for botting and if caught etc. I'm probably going to come off a bit stupid for asking this.
Hi, Chip, The bot does indeed work with the Cataclysm WoWclient. Since the Honorbuddy community is so diverse--questing, grinding, PvE, PvP, farming, etc.--you'll get various opinions based on the functionality that member uses the most. Here's the current general state as of HB- (latest release, which is a test release available to the community): Questing works, but is somewhat limited Cataclysm inserted many many new quest mechanics, and reworked the level appropriateness of almost every zone. There are some working 1-15ish quest profiles now, but not 1-60, and 80+. The 60-70, and 70-80 that existed prior to the Cataclysm drop still seem to work fine, as little was touched there. Honorbuddy has added a new profile tag called <CustomBehavior> that opens up a world of quest objective completions that were not available before. To be honest, it will probably be 2-3 months before we obtain the completeness of questing profiles that we had before Cataclysm. Many profile writers are very hard at work, but the going is slow due to all the new mechanics, and class/race-specific quests. Grinding/Farming works, and seems to be solid Many people are using this to level their toons--especially since herbing and mining now offer experience. PvP is dicey These are the Community members I see complaining the most (more so than their usual whiney-ness. <BIG grin, ya'll>) The new Battlegrounds have yet to be meshed, and the remeshing of the old ones apparently isn't working as smoothly as it should. There are also problems of dismounting to attack which seems to be unresolved. I'll leave it to a PvPers to chime in on all the problems here. The Honorbuddy team is working very hard to address the shortcomings. But, Holidays are approaching, and they will need some time to spend with their families, as we all do. In short, Honorbuddy continues to make remarkable progress. The bot is most definitely usable, but may have some rough patches depending on what you want to do with it. These rough patches will be worked out in time--you just have to be patient. cheers & hope this helped, chinajade