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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Craptuna0813, Aug 30, 2016.

    1. Craptuna0813

      Craptuna0813 Member

      Sep 6, 2015
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      Been away for a few months to take a major break and was reading a few things but dont fully understand. Is there a new version of hb coming out and if so what is the link that i could read up on it. Also been reading alot about 64 bit is that being introduced into the new system or just a rumor? Another question is blizz still banning every few months ive asked this question in the past but never get a anser but i also dont really see alot of bann post so im assuming that there isnt. So has hb finally figured out how tohide from blizz of is blizz trying to keep the subs up for now till later when they game starts to die down again?
    2. korpiklaani

      korpiklaani Banned

      Jul 20, 2016
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      Long story short, there will be a new bot called Legionbuddy, and he will be just for combat routines, rotations etc. Aka for raiding, arenas...
      ''Old'' Honorbuddy stays with the same functions, and it's still the bot that you use for farming, questing, leveling... The way of payment is now changed, so now you have monthly/yearly subs, there is no life time anymore. If you have lifetime sub tho from before, it will stay as it is. (for honorbuddy)

      If you want to do raids/arenas, you should wait for Legionbuddy as he will have the best stuff for it(you will have to rebuy the profiles tho)
      If you need to farm, level, quest, you use Honorbuddy as before. I personally don't care for raids/arenas, so i use just honorbuddy.
      Also, Legionbuddy won't inject into memory, so it will be safer for you to use it.
      That's pretty much it, i'm too lazy to find the actual links, but since i've already read them all i'm posting it like this :D

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