Hi, I'm a big fan of the buddy bots and have used honor buddy for years now (3). I just got into Hearthstone about a month ago and just now found out there's a bot, that being said just before I buy this program I want to know what the best way to use the bot is and what exactly I should be farming. Please answer the following: -Farm for gold? -Farm for gold borders? -Spend profit on card packs or arena? -What is the current most efficient class? -Should this be used in arena? -Farm for ranked? -If bot gets updated do we get the new version free? As a player who hasn't spent money into the game, after doing some arena grinds I was able to build a nice druid deck (considered low-budget) but I just want to know what is the most greatest benefit from the bot. The fact I can farm gold to open 3 packs a day?