Topic says it all. Guy had been watching me for a while following me around. I came back to computer after he killed me 5 times, then I started acting normal. He also tried to blackmail me for 5kg. And he yelled the cross faction words "Nigga" and "Suck on a Long Log" So what should I do? Play the character normally for a few weeks and lay low? Do GM's have to watch you to ban you? Didn't think I'd care about this but I totally do!
Don't pms about it odds are hes just messing with your head. He also can be banned himself for his racial comments. I wouldn't say report him but odds are someone else did.
Could always pm a gm and say hes racially abusing you and say ur black so its offensive rofl and that hes accusing you of being a bot and blackmailing you and as a loyal blizzard subscriber you dont pay $15a month for other users to blackmail you.
Honestly, on my server there is anthor group of guys that uses GB, and they "say" they have reported me, but they use GB so they wont risk a GM responding in the middle of their botting. Also, if someone continues to harrass you, just put them on ignore. As for your problem, take a deep breath, everything will be ok. Do not change your botting times and or style, that looks supicious. In my opinion and personal experiences you will be all good. Disclamer: The statements made in this post do not in any way, shape, or form reflect those of the GB communtiy. All statements are from personal experiences and/or opinions. (Excusse my spelling)
Chances are some members will report other botters to make them feel safer. As for that guy being a knob if it was me id report him instead and say how hes blackmailing me and accusing me of 'botting' etc and that I want him banned for being racist chances are they will probably do nothing both ends and end up leaving it but atleast it gives you a bit ofa white flag if your reported in the future.