Weird issue and don't know where else to post it. Using Kick's farming profile B for Netherwing Eggs. Also using Netherwing Collector 1.8 found in his SVN (testing with 1.7 now to see if it has the same issue). As soon as it finds an egg, it dismounts (no matter how high I am flying... ugh) and then tries to run to the egg. [10:26:02 PM:941] Mounting: Golden Gryphon [10:26:03 PM:145] Spell_C::CastSpell(32235, 0, 0x0, 0) [1] [10:26:03 PM:173] Activity: Loading Tile/s [10:26:03 PM:173] Loading Expansion01_32_41 [10:26:03 PM:296] Could not generate path from {-5218.489, -73.13104, 94.75491} to {-5113.671, -111.0153, 67.33524} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly It will fly along, see the egg, dismount me, and try to run to the egg... even if it's on a hill. I'll try to get a full log posted... hard to find these buggers though.
full log
Deleted mesh, new log. As soon as it detects a Netherwing Egg, it dismounts. During this encounter it was flying, stopped in the air, and dismounted. It then ran for about 15 seconds and finally mounted up and went to the next node. Looking at where it was trying to go, it looks like it found an egg in the Netherwing Mine. However, if I'm flying along and there's on on a hill in front of me... it'll dismount before it ever gets there and then try to run up the hill to get to it instead of just flying to it and landing on it.