I just started using Kicks 68-80 Quest profile and my character wont mount up even though the option is checked and it wont loot monsters even though i CHECK loot mobs option and it doesn't save because when i reopen the window its unchecked. Any help? ALSO im getting no Errors
You running program with admin rights. or disable UAC. Use fresh copy of HB aswell. Honorbuddy options always stick for me. If there still issues i would look into reparing dotnet framework. And also im priity sure wow neefs to be run as admin aswell since it needs to be atached to it.
nothing to do with UAC or net framework make sure that all the mount options are in "auto" also keep in mind that the profile might change your Hb settings on specific parts of the profile in any case your log will show us whats wrong
Thanks for the reply Tony thats what i was thinking that the profile would change it, but i looked in the profile and didn't find anything. I'll give it a shot when the servers come back up and if the problem persists ill post a log.