Hi people, since the blogs are removed, i am searching the guides from kickass. Can anybody help me to find his guides ? I am especially interrested in his gold making guide and goldselling. Help is very much appreciated. Thanks people so long hardo
Hey, I am still searching the guides kickass posted in his blog. I would be very glad if somebody show me them.
they deleted them and no one gave me a copy. so unless they go back and find them, they're gone for now
Bad news. I am really sad, I red them but I didn't make a copy. I didn't think that this information would be deleted. So I need advice in goldmaking and goldselling. Maybe you can make another guide like this, this would be very appeciated or maybe somebody has the guides I am looking for copied. WHY DIDN'T I MAKE A COPY FROM THIS GUIDES I AM SUCH A RETARD
I just have a link, its old and I dont know if its the same thing you're talking about: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/1959-how-i-sell-gold-what-sites-not-sell-gold-kick.html