I cannot turn it off, I try to and it will keep killing between hot spots without it even ticked. I even restart client and it is ticked even with the save and close...
Yes I turn it off and it still kills inbetween hotspot, and when I reset honorbuddy it is always on....
under settings there is a profile overrides field,after disabling it there make sure you saved your settings
Ok that's weird because it's not enabled in the settings menu, what could I do now? I've tried fresh installs multiple times and repair..
Just an opinion: HB is instaled in a read only directory and also HB isn`t "run as admin"... and so, the setting file cannot store the changes that you do in the ui interface.
I cannot change it from "read only" been trying and I usually run as admin too...? Weird. View attachment 6240 2016-07-29 15.06.txt