I do not know anything about coding, which is why I ask... How is it that honorbuddy got flagged or busted. but other bots are still working? can someone explain technically how that works?
As far as I know some other bots got hit as well. And if there are bots still up and running, they most likely won't be anymore in a few days or weeks. Blizzard focused on Honorbuddy first, because it's by far the most popular and most used bot, so that's kinda obvious. But that doesn't mean they don't know about the other bots, or won't take action against them. The banwave was just around 35 hours ago, - so this might not be over now. There might be more bans coming, that's why everyone should be patient and wait with their "final conclusions".
Also, Blizzard is pissed off with Bossland : Kaesler & Kollegen | Blizzard Entertainment S.A.S. withdraws the application for an injunction at the court of appeal that was an attempt to ban sale of “Gold” for Diablo III.
There is no easy way to explain how they were detected, as they are still investigating it. But in essence the way they are hooking into the game (manipulate data in memory) was detected, masking this is a very hard and timeconsuming atleast with all the hooks that HB has into WoW. (Which is stated in their FAQ) Why other bots is working ? Prehaps wow does not scan the memory offset where the injection takes place or because they are saving up to do another banwave on the smaller bots. Forum on wow memory manipulation This might not be the only way HB works, but its something like this. Its quite complicated as undestanding the memory system of a computer can be very hard to comprehend if you are not familiar with it (Im not...). Another topic of interest here could be DLL injection (google it) if you are intrested in stuff like this