Just thought I would share. I'm sure everyone else has been goin nuts in the new areas. I however upgraded a few of my botting accounts with cata and have bene farming the hell out of northrend. You can get 525 mining and maybe herbalism without even having to go to the new areas. On top of that I am getting 1700xp per frozen herb, 2100xp per saronite/rich saronite node, 2200xp for lichbloom/icethorn/titanium nodes. There is hardly anyone else farming and in 2 hours one of my guys is 38% of the way to 81...lol Just thought I'd share
dito... doing that too but so far i was unexperienced in lvling with GB... but it seems to work fine. depends xp gained from your level or what you gather or both?
I thought perhaps it would go down when my mining/herbing went up but now saronite is grey for me and I am still getting 2100xp per node. It may drop once I hit lvl 81 though. We shall see. By that time hopefully GB will be updated for Cataclysm nodes so I can lvl multiple guys at once like I am now
If thats the case I will continue farming sarontie on all my accs for a few days until the frenzy dies down and everyone is doing dungeons/raiding instead of leveling their toons/professions..
Damnit! I didnt think of training my new professions.. but all of my farmers have gotten to 82.20 so far off of storm peakers/sholozar
once you get to 81 its down to 1700 per, then at 82 you need 4mil to get to 83, so this wont relly be good for all the way to 85, it would take weeks