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  • LF - Skyforge bot farmer / w/e

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by saven, May 26, 2015.

    1. saven

      saven Member

      Sep 24, 2010
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      Hey all! I was hoping you could spread some knowledge on this matter of finding or a link to a either really good bot or decent one at the least so that I may possibly start farming this game after it gets underway. I realise its not fully going yet. But maybe there is some forums dedicated to making a bot for this? If not I will bot for fun, just like I did with wow up until the ban hammer 9,000. Or should I say 100,000? Which isn't even the count of the total honorbuddy users. Hm. I would of done more searching but today I have to go to college and such. I know..this guy is making it up. Well okay, so don't post! Good day!

      Here is the link if you are instersted..

      Skyforge - Become ? God in this AAA Fantasy Sci-fi MMORPG
      MrYoem likes this.

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