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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by wyatt244, May 28, 2017.

    1. wyatt244

      wyatt244 New Member

      Jul 5, 2016
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      not sure where to post sorry if its wrong thread but I would like to run two accounts at the same time but I already have my license bought is there any way I can just add a session for an extra payment? cause I don't want to buy 50$ euro for 3 sessions when ill only be using two and I already have my subscription. could I use another computer and run two accounts or will it still say I need 2 sessions?
      thanks for any help
    2. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Hi wyatt244,

      with one license you can run one instance of the bot. It does not matter on which pc.
      So if you run the bot on PC A and want to run it on PC B, simply end the session on A and start it on B.

      If you need two sessions you can buy a second single license and let the back office merge them.
      I am not sure atm. if this can be done now because your first session is already running but if you buy them at the same time it should be possible.
      Maybe backoffice can give you a more concrete answer because forum support is not really the one who can decide this, so please write an email to support@thebuddyforum.com to make sure :)

      Kind regards
      wyatt244 likes this.

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