Its looking through the mesh file downloaded for a suited path to use, right now there seem to be a problem the bot really have hard time to find fast enough the tiles needed causing tons of freeze, it happend for questmode, grind and GB2 Wait next release they should have it smoothed some, lets hope , right now this is painfull and nothing you can do on your side. Zuruss
i'm running 2 bots from different files but same mesh folder. one bot running and the other[gb2]-zuabros-uldum-whiptail-only-1-4-xml yes both at Uldum
I think it might have something to do with two bots using the same tiles. Whenenever I have two farming Uldum, I have troubles there. But none with the single farming Highlands. But when I have two farming Highlands, I have troubles. But none in Uldum.
I'm dubious about claims this is because of dual bots, or isolated mostly to Uldum as I have had this error consistency for the past five days in every different battleground. I have tried multiple times deleting HB and reinstalled, deleting mesh folders, changing the mesh folder location, I even trawled through the registry to see if there was any issues there but still haven't found a way to prevent it.
View attachment 2-28-2011_11_08 AM 3896 Log.txt Same problem here, only one bot seems to do it, and its in STV where I have ran other bots with no problem. Deleted mesh folder at first then changed the location to C:/mesh, fresh install did nothing to resolve the problem. Log is attached. (edit) noticed most people saying their bots would move then load again, the one bot i was refering to does not move at all and just stands in one spot while loading tiles/downloading mesh is spammed.