Lately my bots have been acting up and randomly stays on Loading Tile/s. I have to restart or wait for ARelog to bring it back on.
its normal for Hb to load tiles while running but if this leads your to a pause we need to check your log
[12:24:52 PM:021] Exception when attempting to download Azeroth_31_57: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '00:00:29.8740000'. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host are you behind of a firewall?
Is been happening a lot lately. I will say after a while. Sometimes can be as quick as 30-45mins but some times 4-5 hours.