If the bot has no other 3's to play on turn 3 it will play that. It should NEVER play that unless there is 4 on the board for the other side. Please fix this
It all depends on the current game situation. We need your UILog. To select the correct UILogs is convenient to use this tool.
It should never use it no matter what the situation unless there are 4 enemy mobs present. I also deleted my log folder as it was half a gig in size. Can we get some log management in the program to curb this?
If your deck allows such behavior - it's good. Here is the file: View attachment 200780 - just replace it. Mind Control Tech can be used if you play against the heavy control deck which not spam minions, or simply for control of the board. It's too random card which plays well in reno decks. If on turn 3 you have an empty board - it's very bad (unless you warrior or priest). If you play against a hunter, secret paladin, zoolock, tempo mage, face shaman - you should definitely control of the board and you should play this card. For the majority of players who don't have special decks for it - this card is just not the best 3rd drop. Therefore, such behavior - never play that unless there is 4 on the board for the other side - can turn this card into an empty ballast for these players and is not used in the official update. ps: If you wish, you can use this file in your bot, but don't forget to replace this file again after the next update.