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  • Looking for an advanced dungeon bot.

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Dmpk, Aug 8, 2016.

    1. Dmpk

      Dmpk Member Legendary

      Jul 11, 2016
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      Hey guys so its really simple.

      I want all WoD heroic dungeons on 100% afkable farm. I've got the bots to do it but I don't have the time to sit at my desk for 10 hours and watch every move they make and intervene where necessary. So far using regular dungeonbuddy, with LUCK I can go fully afk for about half the instances (I know which instances are afkable and when I see them come up I jump for joy!)

      So pretty much I am willing to pay GOOD money for someone to make a plugin or profile or something? that would actually run these specific dungeons with no problems at all.

      Currently here are the issues I have found in the current dungeonbuddy that cause it to not be afkable :

      1) Dungeonbuddy mass suicide - So every so often, while doing skyreach, the 3rd boss (the raven that comes down) as it dies, falls off the edge, and sometimes so do the bots? The tank jumps after the body of the bird followed closely by every other bot. My guess is the tank bugs thinking the boss is still alive and moving, and the bots following the tank mass suicide. Does not happen everytime, but has repeated itself.

      2) Dungeonbuddy Auchindoun teleport glitch - So everytime (and i mean everytime) i run this instance, the healer / dps cannot take the teleporters to the next area, which means the tank goes and stays there waiting for healer and group, but they are sitting on other side of the teleporter. They will take the LAST teleporter (the one to the boss) but only once the tank has LANDED at the boss.

      3) Dungeonbuddy Grim Batol Train Glitch - So once the bot clears the first boss, it gets on the train car. After it clears the train car, it goes towards the middle of the traincar and tries to run into a wall spamming my bot log with "Moving tank to POI XXXX" Even if you stop the bot, move him to the next pack, and start it again, it STILL goes back to this same car, same spot, and continues to run into the wall.

      4) Dungeonbuddy Everblooms - It does fine up until the end boss, then it for some reason does not send all the bots through the final portal, and it doesnt start the encounter. I have done it 7 times now, and only had it successfully make all bots through the portal once.

      So aside from those glitches I haven't run into any real glitches and every other instance runs smooth =/. Its really just some sort of coding that would force the bots to act right in these situations and it'd make heorics 100% afkable.

      Anyone with suggestions, or the know-how is welcome to make this or help me out with suggestions. I am more than willing to pay someone for the work if it means I can afk farm ^_^. I like sleep.
    2. paxxx

      paxxx Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm also looking for something like that... would pay, too.

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