Looking for a discipline priest routine that works with BGbuddy and another disc routine and which botbase would be best for arena (2's and 3's). Please move this post to wherever it belongs but don't delete it..Long time customer and big fan all together..any helpful links or tips would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I use Tyrael Botbase and Richies disc priest routine for arena. I hate arena but wanted bloody dancing steel so I went with a rogue to 2200 and it only took 57 wins. we went 57-6 in a few hours. still have to cast your own interupts and CC but that rotation is BOSS. does not work with BGbuddy though
Ritchie's Disc CR is outstanding. The free version doesn't work with BGBuddy but the donor version does. He also has kick ass Holy and Shadow routines as well.
Thank you for the responses. Richies Disc PVP + Tyreal has worked really well for me and I use Kingwow shadow priest for bgbuddy.