Hi guys, does anyone have a reliable rogue deck for the new hearthbuddy ? i tried the "old" deck from this section but the reworked hearthbuddy seems to unable to handle it and is overall pretty dissapointing when it comes to rogue and combo cards. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys
Hey, atm im using this deck: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/attac...-hearthstone_screenshot_8-7-2014-12-45-53-jpg i dont know about it, it doesnt work for me, got like 2 wins 8 looses..
After a lot of trial error, i am now using this deck: Low Budget Tempo Rogue Naxx Deck - Icy Veins It seems to work well with how the bot currently works , sitting at around 70% winrate atm, which is good enough for me.