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  • Looking for someone to help develop a small, private profile.

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by BeardsleyMcturbanhead, Jan 23, 2015.

    1. BeardsleyMcturbanhead

      BeardsleyMcturbanhead Member

      Nov 27, 2014
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      I'm going to be fairly cryptic about this because I've found an area I like to grind and it's so small I believe that having this profile public may be a risk to nerf or ban. That having been said I'm looking for someone who's talented enough to create a small grind profile with features such as repair, hearth, guildbank deposit and bodyguard swap/use.

      As I've been manually grinding the area over the last couple weeks I've come to realize that the profit potential is quite decent, the green(uncommon) drops are very high which make for excellent disenchanting, the mob density is high and yet not overpowered, allowing lower geared toons to easily grind and also making for very fast bodyguard reputation gains. On top of all those there are a large amount of herb and mine nodes in the area that can be easily harvested.

      I would love to share my ideas in better detail with someone who would possibly be willing to code this profile. I think it has good profit potential as well as other uses, e.g. grind leveling. Feel free to reply to me here or send me a private message.
    2. Rabbit112

      Rabbit112 Community Developer

      Jan 22, 2015
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      Not sure if you can gbank deposit items, I've never seen it (but someone better than me might've done it). Far simpler to just have it mail greens to an alt and that alt deposits it or whatever.

      Bodyguard swapping probably doable if they do function like regular reputations.

      As for the hearthing, do you want that for bodyguard swapping or...? If the reputation functions like a regular one then having it grind until maxxed out should be easy, though you'd have to manually put in each bodyguard for it to swap to which would be a pain.
    3. BeardsleyMcturbanhead

      BeardsleyMcturbanhead Member

      Nov 27, 2014
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      I don't see why guildbank deposit wouldn't be possible, drop a guild box, deposit, wait an hour, repeat. Maybe I'm wrong, but I maybe it's tough to program that into the bot. Would be way easier than finding a mailbox in the area in question.

      Hearthing was only an idea for the bodyguards. The more I think about it the less I'm thinking it'd be needed. It'd be a pain in the ass to have to swap bodyguards as needed if and when they die. I think manual would be the way to go with that.
    4. Rabbit112

      Rabbit112 Community Developer

      Jan 22, 2015
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      I'm not sure how to deposit items, I haven't found it in any of the HB documentation and frankly haven't seen any profiles to do it. Finding a mailbox is trivial, you literally just put in the co-rods of the mailbox and HB will get there when it need sto (even if it's half a continent away).

      It's up to you if you want bodyguards or not (that'd be like 3/4 of the work assuming they work like regular reps) but if you just want a grind profile I can do that for you in literally 5 minutes including vendoring and mailboxes, just PM if you want to keep it 'super secret'.
    5. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      If it can be done with Lua then it can be done with HB.
    6. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      Everything he wants is possible with the exception of swapping followers. If you are still in need of help, let me know and I will sort you out.
    7. Rabbit112

      Rabbit112 Community Developer

      Jan 22, 2015
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      You might as well make it for him then as I'm still getting familiar with WoW's Lua scripting :D

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