Alright so my original account finally got banned after 5 + years botting on it and I'm think about starting up another account. I remember seeing a post before that I could not find that I could possibly get all my mounts and achievements on the new account if i link them together, does anyone have proof of this? Also when starting a new account even if I make a new account under my current email how would I be able to log into that new account I made?
Is your bnet account banned or just your wow account? If its the wow account just make a new wow account on the bnet account and voila all your achivs/mounts. If its your bnet then thats that afaik, could try a unbanning service from ownedcore.
wow account banned im gonna assume, i tried making a new account last name if gave the new game an account name of WoW1 but i couldnt figure out how to log onto it sinces its under the same password and email as my orignal account