This may seem counter-productive to botting ores and herbs, but I am interested in finding out if there is a way to auto-loot mobs that a bot kills? Why? Pick up gold from kills Pick up the possible World Drops Generate gold from trash sells to vendor I bot solely for my own consumption and I plan to bot only a few hours a week max. So running out of bag space will rearely be an issue for my bot toon. I don't mind it picking up trash and then having to sell it off if it means I get a tad bit more gold out of it and I pick up the chance of getting a rare drop.
in hb there is a option to loot kills under the bot settings, not so much in the stand alone gb at least the last time I looked. Morga
Oops.....forgot to mention that I am using GB Single User version. As noted, botting for personal consumption only.