1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Gatherbuddy 2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Release 3)If so, when was the last time?: Yesterday 4)What profile were you using?: [GB2] Valley Of the Four Winds Herb-Mining, [GB2][N]Spliid's Trillium and Kyparite ore farm - Dreadwastes and Townlong Steppes 1.0.2 5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular, Druid Feral 6)What plugins are you using?: Default 7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: close to 24 8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 25% 9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 400 10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? no 11)Was your account involved in gold selling? no 12)EU or US realm? US 13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? paid Ok, so here's how things went down. I am pretty sure one of these accounts got banned and since some trade was done with the other the other got banned as well. On ACCOUNT 1, I first started out botting 8-16 hours a day selling 40-60 stacks of ghost iron bar a day with my main using [GB2][N]Spliid's Trillium and Kyparite ore farm - Dreadwastes and Townlong Steppes 1.0.2 for a month and nothing happened. Then I got overconfident and made an alt druid with shit gear and was botting near 24/7, selling 100 stacks of ghost iron BAR a day using once again [GB2][N]Spliid's Trillium and Kyparite ore farm - Dreadwastes and Townlong Steppes 1.0.2 and after a little more than a week, I got banned. On ACCOUNT 2, it was another druid with shit gear, I was POSTING, BUT NOT SELLING, 60-80 stacks of cobalt bar, 60-80 stacks of saronite bar, 60-80 stacks of fel iron bar, 60-80 stacks of adamantite bar, 60-80 stacks of obsidium bar, 60-80 stacks of elementium bar, felsteel bars, titansteel bars, primal fires, to be fair the pre-mop mats weren't selling so I had to keep re-listing, things were fine for like 2 weeks, then I started botting and selling 200 stacks of ghost iron ORE a day, because my pre-mop mats weren't selling, this was done with [GB2] Valley Of the Four Winds Herb-Mining. Did it for like a day and a half and the ban hammer came. I think account 2 was the suspect here. I noticed a lot more farmers/botters in valley of the four wind, plus I had way more AH listings and account one got banned simply for trading with account 2. My main that has been involved with gold selling was spared for now.
you were most likely banned due to the 24 hour online time + the 400 auction house sales, be smart with your botting and not just go ham, advertising 60 to 80 stacks of anything is also asking for a banning, you might want to try 5 or so stacks at a time, so much less suspicious and if someone asks for all of them you will have others just in case someone else wants some, playing safe is the best way to not get yourself in trouble,
^ Good advice right here. If you make yourself look like a bot you're noticed as a bot. No person has time to farm that much ore and list that same amount every day.
What baffles me is you spent so much time spamming the forum looking for advice, yet you completely blew off everything that people told you and you were banned. To be honest, you deserved these bans. You were greedy and careless. Botting 24/7 with a PUBLIC profile on GB2? With all the time you spent here on TBF, you can't tell me you didn't come across people saying this is an absolute surefire way to get shut down.